I had no idea how busy dentist were in Miri until i had to make a booking for one yesterday. Back in Kuching, you can still get away with walking into any dental clinics and get your dental services. People in Kuching must not like their dentist very much =D
After dropping by to FIVE, yes five different dentist, i finally managed to slot in an appointment for today. Welcome to Bright Smile Dental Clinic. Aptly name...and judging on its interior is quite new in the business. I have not been to a dentist since 2001 when i chipped my front tooth and had to get a tooth bonding. If it wasn't for the fact that i didn't want to be a Madonna look alike with the front gap i probably wouldn't even have gone then. That is how scared i am of a dentist. Must be from the traumatic years of being forced to see the school's dentist who has no patience in consoling a frightened child and drills away anyways. But to give her credit, this Bright Smile dentist commended on her workmanship on my fillings although its been more than 20 years.
Order of the day was:
1. Tooth bonding to replace the job they did in 2001 as its decaying quite a bit and i look like Oliver Twist's cruel master
2. Then it was cleaning/scaling and polishing. Funny how this hurt more than the teeth bonding. Maybe because the numbness wore off by then.
3. and as a FINALE...my real reason for the visit...my wisdom tooth.....it erupted well, no issue there BUT it had decayed and was hurting real bad. So extracting was the wise option and man, i told the dentist to numb me like he has never numb anyone before and he did. He actually extracted it in less than a minute. It was GONE IN 60 SECONDS. Kudos Mr Dentist, my strategy of informing him the minute i walked into the surgery room that i HATE dentist must have worked. But i was just being honest!!! Bye Bye Wisdom Tooth and Hello PAIN.....and no food for days to come....
P/S: its been 12 hours and i am still in pain.......warghhhhhhhhhhhhhh