Thursday, October 20, 2011

Rock Paper Scissors!!

Type wedding anniversary and you'll get the following definition:

A wedding anniversary is the anniversary of the date a wedding took place

That was from wikipedia and if you click on the links, you would be interested to know that in Commonwealth realms i.e. anything Britain has ever conquered...the Monarch actually wishes you on 60th, 65th and 70th wedding anniversary. They probably did an analysis that most wedding wouldn't reach that especially this day and age.

This would be our first wedding anniversary. 365days as husband and wife...although technically we have only spent half of it in actual presence of each other. Just 2 months into the PR to Canada process, we have 10 more months to wait and chances are we will only get to start a real marriage by our 2nd Anniversary.
Long distance relationship is tough but long distance marriage is a gazillion time tougher. I never doubt that we would make it to our 1st Anniversary and I have faith that we will make the consecutive ones too.

Traditionally, the 1st year gift is suppose to be Paper in the U.S and Cotton in the U.K. Apparently modern U.S has changed it to Clock, this may be due to Save the Trees movement. I'm taking it a notch higher by gifting a blog post. It's 'paper'-like but I don't require cutting of trees materials. So honey, here's my gift to you, publishing this to the internet world that I love you dearly and Happy 1st Anniversary hubby!!!